I want to start out by introducing a couple of ideas that maybe you haven’t heard of before, and then reassure you that it’s perfectly normal and natural to have curiosities and be interested in expanding your sexual repertoire. So first up, bi curious straight men absolutely exist! And it’s not an oxymoron to say that you’re interested in sucking dick but still very much straight. You’re not alone, you’re not weird, and there’s nothing at all wrong with wanting to try a little cock sucking for your wife, girlfriend, partner, or Mistress.

Bi Curious Straight Men

Mistress Harper, Bi IconIt is very common for people’s sexuality to shift and change over time, and for people who grew up assuming they were perfectly straight and completely ‘normal’ to wake up one day and realize that maybe they’re not so straight after all. We all change and grow over time, our tastes and interests change and morph, and we slowly evolve from our young adult idiot form into something a little more wise, kind, and smart. The person who is the same as they were in their 20’s when they hit their 30’s and 40’s is a person who has stagnated and failed to explore the world around them. So if you’ve discovered that maybe you’re not quite as ruler straight as you thought you were, that’s fine and normal!

Split Attraction Model

The Split Attraction Model arises from the wonderful folks exploring what it means to experience attraction over at the Asexual Visibility and Education Network forums! That’s right, you have the aces and aros to thank for this deeper understanding of who and what you are. Basically, think of sexual attraction and romantic attraction as two different axes of attraction. (There are more than two, because humans are complex and there’s a lot of things we might be attracted to in life.) Your sexual attraction is who or what you’d like to do, sexually. Your romantic attraction is who you want to date or spend your life with. While the majority of the population’s sexual and romantic attractions line up and match, for some people, they do not in fact line up. You may be sexually attracted to men and women, but only want to date women. Or you’re sexually aroused by men, but want to marry your female best friend! Think of all the different combinations of relationships and sexual interests, and you can see how this gets complex quickly (and yet still manages to explain So Much about relationships!)

If you’ve ever been confused about how someone might be interested in cuckold relationships, for example, the split attraction model lays it all out! A man, in a romantic relationship with a woman, sexually aroused by both male and female sexual acts, with a dash of voyeur on top! Or a bi curious straight man, dating women, but deeply fascinated by and interested in the acts of sex and sexuality with men. Mix and match bi, gay, straight, pan, demi, and other identifiers with your sexual and romantic attractions, and there you go! Perfectly normal and now you have words to describe your lived experience, too.

Are You Interested In Sucking Cock?

You may be a straight man with a bi curious streak! The way you’d describe that, using the split attraction model, is thus: Bi Sexual Questioning, Hetero Romantic. You may also tell people you’re Bi Curious, Het Romantic (or HetRo). Myself, I’m Pan Sexual Aromantic! I love sex with everyone, no matter what shape or conformation your genitals are in, but the romantic part of life isn’t for me. I’m not made for marriage is how I used to put it, and then I discovered this sort of language and framing, and it all made sense! I’m Aro! What a relief to discover that I’m normal, there are people like me out there, and the way I live my life is valid and not weird at all. Did you discover something in this language and set of words to describe your lived experiences that resonates? Are you bi curious and het romantic? Or maybe you’re into exploring cock sucking without any of the trappings of romance, too! Leave a comment here and let me know if you’ve found a new way to describe your life.

Want Some Help Exploring?

You can always drop me a line by email (harper@enchantrixempire.com) or call me up! I’m happy to talk about the split attraction model, and to reassure you that you’re normal and not a weirdo for wanting to suck a cock with no strings attached. Bring your bi curious desires to me and we’ll explore them together!


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Your Sex Education Mistress, Harper

XOXO, Harper

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