Hi there, cock sucking enthusiasts, today I have a fun post and proposal for cock sucking cuckolds out there. I have a delicious cock sucking cuckold that I play with from time to time. Keeping up his training and tickling his humiliation “bone” with a particular assignment or two. The one I am discussing today has particular lovely humiliation overtones and undertones that he just loves! Let’s play.
Cock Sucking Cuckold
He plays alpha male by day but by night his true self emerges. Or better said when his hot-wife requires it. I’ve learned from him, that over time his wife turned him in, up and turned him out. The poor guy didn’t know which end was up, or which was down. Good was bad and bad was good. I have to say I was her a secret admirer!
As he continued to confess the path she led him on my excitement and giddiness was getting the better of me! Giggling like a school girl, it was fantastic when he finally admitted after a few years. A few years after she first said “your dick isn’t doing it for me” he was denied her pretty pussy, other than his cream pie duties. Her bull owned that pussy and wasn’t afraid to rub his face in it. He was recently encouraged to taste that forbidden treat, for many. Her bulls cock. He was now a cuckold cock sucking fluffer. Not gay, no. Just a cock sucker for his hot wife. Least he reasoned to himself.
Cuckold Humiliation
Since his hot wife has him on orgasm lock down, he is allowed out once or twice a month for an hour. That is if he’s been good. During his unlock time what he does she doesn’t care. Doesn’t want any thing to do with the little dicklette. He can go beat off, whatever just it gets locked back up in 60 min.
Now that our dear cuckold subject experienced the ultimate humiliation, complete emasculation, he’s found that he’s now addicted to it. Craves the humiliation! So I was thinking of a slow burn, something routine that would remind him of his cock sucking ways and his lot in life. I thought of a fantastic idea! A cock sucking cuckold diary. He’s to record something each day. If he got cock, how he got cock, how long he had cock for and his arousal level. Wearing a condom over his cage to measure his pre-cum, as it drips from his cage, during his cock-servitude tells the real answer. Then he calls and confesses his diary to me. I comment or laugh, or even encourage his cock sucking journey as needed.
During out nice little chats he’s faced with hard evidence of where he is today, compared to a few short years ago. The fall gets him going every time.

Cock sucking diary
Your Cock Sucking Cuckold Diary
So what would your diary look like? Filled with more thought and fantasy? Do you need training to be a good cock sucking cuckold? Your diary will help you with those and more! When you need, when you are ready, you’ll confess. You’ll call and confess. I want to hear it.
Until we chat
Cuckold Mistress Erika
Intelligent Phone Fantasy
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I’m going to start my diary today Mistress Erika. I want to be on open cam sucking a guy’s big hard cock so other people can watch and see me. I definitely may need training. I will call and confess when I’m ready…