Cum Eating: Mistress & Slave Perspectives
Well, boy do I have a treat in store for you today! I want to give a huge shout out and thank you to Slave 2326 for his assistance on this article- not only did he plant the seed *giggle* but he actually was a contributor to this episode as well. You’ll be reading an essay my slave boy wrote on cum eating later on in the article.
Cum Eating: Mistress Perspective
Alright, lets talk about cum eating, shall we? I do think cum eating is hot- first and foremost. I like to see if when I am playing, I like to eat it for my lovers (not my subbies, mind you, but my lovers FOR SURE). But that said, I very much dislike the taste- just throwing that out there. I mean, I don’t know what y’all are doing to your juices to make them taste bitter like that instead of the salted caramel covered strawberries flavor of my pussy, but DAMN. Get it together, men. But I do it because I do find it very hot, and it increases intimacy, it feels like reverent in the moment and psychologically it turns me on. In terms of my subbies, though, oh my god you guys- I can’t tell you the level of feminine pleasure I get out of making yall eat your own spunk, or even better, making you eat the spunk of other men- either from the tap or cleaning up the mess they left behind. It genuinely makes me so happy, like I was wrapped up in a floofy, warm blanket of vindictive, spiteful pleasure. And you want me to feel that way- don’t you? All happy and content in your misery?
So just in terms of my own dominance and before I bring in any of the materials, I looked at for today’s little deep dive into the wonderful world of cum eating- let’s talk about some of the reasons it appeals to me.
Cum Eating & Revenge
As mentioned above, I get a lot of intellectual and emotional satisfaction from feeding men cum on behalf of the sisterhood, so to speak. Just outright spite, as a way to coerce men in doing the same thing they have coerced women to do for a millennium, all reverse uno like. The feminine pleasure I receive from having you eat your own spunk is only eclipsed by the feminine pleasure I receive by placing you on your knees and making you drink straight from the spout.
Cum Eating & Punishment
Now this can also be a great punishment for a naughty slave boy who has gotten too willful. Nothing breaks the spirit like some coerced cocksucking & cum eating, especially for a subby boy who fancies himself a real man. And there are ways to increase the level of punishment- video taping, having friends over so you add some public humiliation play, cock sucking reviews (oh, I may be offering these sometime in the future so look out for them!), just straight demeaning them as they do the dirty, so to speak. Now I have plans to dig real deep into erotic humiliation so I am not going too in detail here, but I will say this: I very much believe that erotic humiliation provides a place to safely embody the feelings of shame that exists so they can be moved through your body. I think you guys have heard me mention somatic therapies before- “soma” meaning body- and this concept of being able to work not just with our emotions, but how the emotions process in the body, is some of the most powerful trauma work out there- and friends, shame IS trauma, ok? I mean, life is trauma, but the particular wounds that shame creates is significant here. So instead of hiding away from your shame like a little bitch, I feel like submissives- I mean, the kink community in whole, but esp submissives are really good at a creating the space to pull those feelings up and process them. So, you see, when I put you on your knees and make you suck cock like a good little bitch, I am actually helping you to resolve your trauma. You’re welcome, btw.
Cum Eating & Feminization
Now because cum eating is typically consigned to being a “female oriented behavior” (despite the fact that male cocksuckers have existed at every point in human history bar none, they fuckers keep trying to only feed it to us!!!)- it is very fun to bring into feminization scenarios. I also like the concept of making someone female from the inside out with an injection of that seed, you know? But the act of cum eating, first your own seed hopefully as a precursor to eating it straight from the tap (but I do work with some sissy girls who don’t have an ounce of desire to suck a real cock- BOO!) but sometimes that’s a hard sell… though I do be trying, lol. But I do really like working with the inside out feminization- the fact that we get to fill their sweet sissy tummies with some cummies just brings a smile to my face. Now feminization is fun because it can have slightly different variations- they sissy girl who lustfully embraces her role as a cocksucker will perform her duties with zest and enthusiasm. But the reluctant sissy- the one who feeds on degradation- well, they enjoy a bit of coerced feminization and coerced cocksucking, and the act is a bit more shameful for them… hopefully in an erotic manner.
Cum Eating & Humiliation/SPH
Now closely related feminization is humiliation, and specifically Small Penis Humiliation. Reinforcing their beta boy position with some cock sucking or cum eating can serve the purpose of reminding them of the failings of their own body, their inferior position and remind them exactly what a beefy, juicy cock looks like, tastes like, etc. In terms of making them eat their spunk, it emphasizes their subordinate position as a man and reinforces my control over them, doesn’t it? And this concept of not being man enough to fuck being reinforced with the feminine act of cum eating provides just enough spiciness for my sadism to shine through.
Cum Eating & Cucking
As mentioned in my “Small Penis Humiliation” episode of KINKology, the small penis to cuck to cock sucking pipeline is the real deal. It begins with the acknowledgment that your cock is not optimized for female pleasure and ensures that she doesn’t continue to suffer for your shortcomings, right? Enter, a thick cocked bull who can give her what you can’t. But in this time, oh these small cocked fellas do develop such a fascination with big, juicy cocks and the masculinity they embody that the small cocked boys begin to crave these cocks just like a girl does. Plus prepping and fluffing do help the poor unfortunate small cocked boy participate in the act. Now, please don’t think all cucks are small cocked boys, as there are many reasons that this fun dynamic exists, lol.
Cum Eating & Primal Sexuality
Honestly, aside from the submissive eating of cum, I think the concept of primal sex deserves a bit of a place on our cum eating list. Just the raw, primal fucking, the tasting of each other, an almost violent coming together punctuated by this animalistic fever pitch that results in cum eating. In this particular forum I would say that submissiveness is a non-issue- both (or all) parties tend to be on a pretty even keel within this primal couplings.
Cum Eating & Submissive training
And finally, I want to acknowledge how cum eating is a practice used to train slaves and submissives for ages. Its kinda the Mr Miagi approach to training slaves- you find a task that appears on the outside to be relatively meaningless, and work with your submissive to refine and perfect that task- because its not about the task, its about the process, the mindset, the willingness to do it. I heard a creator from tik tok talking about their experience being trained in the military, and how they were trained to carry their trays close to the chests in the lunch room. All recruits had to carry their trays in this funky way that made them feel foolish and none of them knew the reason for it- it was just a demand regarding their service and they were expected to carry it out. So they did this thing that they didn’t necessarily like, or value, or understand how this act was going to help them be a better soldier, this thing that made them feel silly, goofy, and embarrassed during every single meal. Well, what happened when they finally entered into their munitions training, they learned that this hold they were being asked to carry their lunch trays related to a hold for carrying munitions. As a submissive, you may often be asked to do things that you may not understand the rationale behind, but what is being asked of you is your trust, your obedience and your submissiveness, and if you give those things and give them well, you will be sculpted into the perfect plaything for your mistress or master. To be honest, for me, I sometimes have my antenna up regarding the things that my submissives are resisting, simply to diminish their resistance overall.
So you have gotten my perspective on cum eating and some of the main reasons that a femdom mistress may wish to introduce some cum play into the relationship dynamic, but I have a special treat for you today! LOL, get it? A special treat? I had Slave 4346 write up an essay on cum eating as well, which I will be reading shortly. So you will have the benefit of of the dominant perspective AND the submissive perspective for today’s exploration.
Cum Eating: slave perspective
Cum, jizz, sperm, ball batter, slave sauce…whatever you call it, if you are submissive, you need to be eating it! It will allow you to develop as a submissive, and deepen your relationship to your Mistress. How does it do this you ask? Why does the thought of cum eating even turn you on at all? Continue reading for one beta male’s analysis that hopefully you will find simplified, yet in depth.
Think about all the porn you’ve watched. More specifically, think of the culminating cum shot of the porn. The male (alpha male in this case) always gives the female a facial, creampie or shoots in her mouth for swallowing. In the alpha male subconcious and biology, he is supposed to spread his seed. These cumshots are a way for the alpha male to plant his flag so to speak. A way to communicate ‘I fucked her’ and add another number to his conquests. In short, a way to grow his sexual resume, influence, and standing. And in likewise fashion, the female subserviently swallows or lustily enjoys having her face
frosted like a cupcake in submissive fashion. Society has trained us that cum eating is a submissive act and women are the submissive sex. This view is far different than that of female supremacy, which many of us fit in much better.
Beta males are not worthy to ejaculate in similar fashion as their alpha counterparts. They are submissive by nature and can’t please females sexually. Often they have other inadequacies like a small penis or problems with pre-mature ejaculation. They are not qualified to penetrate pussy and pleasure women, much less give creampies and/or facials.
Cum eating for the submissive male validates some inner truths. First, it validates you are not an alpha
male. Alpha males do not eat their own cum. For that matter, they also don’t wear panties, submit to
cuckolding, or wear chastity devices. The act of eating cum by itself disqualifies you from alpha status.
Consuming cum, your own or others, is a very emasculating thing. You are now an emasculated, beta
male and not much works better to drive this point home than to have a mouthful of cum slide down your
Cum eating validates your submission to your Mistress. It is a role reversal from the common porn plot
described earlier. You are the bitch, while She has all the power! It’s not her eating your cum, but rather
a meal befitting a slave. It instantly establishes the pecking order. Females are at the top of this
hierachy! You will clean up all messes…that of your own making and that of alpha males and/or other
slaves as directed by your Mistress. Think about it…an alpha male isn’t going to eat it, and a dominate
female obviously isn’t either. Yep, another meal with your name on it. If you eat your cum for your
mistress, you are inferior and She is superior. Those are just the simple facts and there’s no denying it
after slurping a load of cum for your Mistress.
It is an opportunity to show your affection, devotion, and obedience, express your submission, and verify
your status as inferior to Her. These traits are the basic building blocks to power exchange and is
essential to the femdom relationship. When you validate and express your submission and inferiority to
Her, then that gives Her the ability to validate her dominance and superiority over you. Which in turn,
makes you more submissive to Her desires and the lovely power exchange cycle repeats and deepens
the femdom relationship.
This is why many submissives are aroused by the thought of eating cum. It means you are indeed
submissive and desire the opportunity to express your inferiority and submissiveness to Your beautiful
and superior Mistress. You long to please Her with your obedience and service. You long to show your
affection and devotion to Her. Likewise, a dominant woman also desires these things from Her subs.
Why disappoint Her?
Why then do so many would be cum eaters balk when the moment cums?…pun intended. The refratory
period kicks in immediately after orgasm, which wipes away anything sexy or mildly arousing. For a
short while, gone is the libido and only the humiliation remains. However, it is your duty as slave. It is
disrespectful to your Mistress for you to not eat cum ejaculated for Her. She owns your cock, sexuality,
and orgasms…as well as the worship puddles they create.
There should be no excuses like it is humiliating, emasculating, or disgusting…..that’s kind of the point
after all. Suck it up buttercup! Eating cum isn’t for sissies…well, maybe it is, but you get the point! The
emasculation can serve to enforce your submissive training.
Talk to your Mistress and She may be kind and allow you to use easier techniques to help you succeed
with eating cum. She may allow you to save the cum for when you are aroused later. Another excellent
strategy is to incorporate tasty treats like pastries, cookies, yogurt or pudding to make the flavor more
mild. Need cream for your coffee? Frosting for your donuts? If you’re really lucky, maybe She will allow
you to lick it off her perfect breasts.
However, she may opt to be more strict and demand you lick it up immediately while still warm or shoot it
straight in your mouth with the classic legs over head position. Licking out of your hand, a condom, or as
a creampie from a realistic pussy sex toy are all classics. Maybe she will just choose to cuckold you,
giving you a tasty creampie all the while your cock is straining in a chastity device. Another option may
be for ruined orgams that allow the libido to hold, although incredibly frustrating.
These are just a few of the many possibilities She may employ. That’s Her call, Her choice! You chose
to submit and now have duties, not choices…a duty to obey, a duty to lick up your seed…when and how
She demands. Embrace and accept yourself, all the while remaining positive and enjoying your
submissive proclivities. And don’t forget to thank your Mistress for the opportunity to please Her. Slurps
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Fantastic blog and I think you covered all the bases!
Regarding that “Funky spunk” I Hear you Ms B!
Check this out!
LOVE THAT! Gods yes, that should be mandatory reading for all adult men, STAT! Thank you so much!